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Sivin Kit (Friend) An Exceptional Man, Christ-Follower & Malaysian February 13, 2009
If I remember rightly, I first met Markus when we came for one of our informal "conversation" sessions before he left for studies. I have always felt there was something special about him.

After getting to know him more these past months since his return from the UK, I have found him to be "example" to all especially those who are in the "young" category - in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Timothy 4:12). In fact, in many ways he's a better example than many of us in the "older" category.

I recall our conversations to be honest, frank, authentic, and reflective. There was a depth about Markus and I admired that. His genuine quest to love God and love others is shown in the simplest of actions of giving someone a lift home, to carrying a candle standing up for justice.

I could sense in our interactions, he desired to live out a robust faith which honored Christ, and was for the good of the world. He was humble and always ready to avail himself and work with others.

I'm a pastor and we are supposed to be composed when a member of the church has called to return to the Lord. I do not doubt Markus is safely in God's presence and we will only know the answers to some of our questions one day when we meet again.

But today, I could not hold back my tears as I thought about Markus, I was looking forward to see him next week. Looks like that will wait. I was excited to see how this 23 year old young man will realize him dreams. He was so kind to share a glimpse of his aspirations with some of us. Many a times, he didn't have to say it, one could feel his passion.

It's not easy to process the grief we are going through, and my heart and prayer goes out to Markus' family and friends who feel the sudden emptiness that comes when we lose a loved one. Even as we entrust Markus to our loving Father in heaven, I would like to especially commit the family to the Lord for comfort which only can come from him during this difficult moment.

For me, I count it an honor to have know Markus, and a blessing to have had the chance to stand with him, sit by him, and walk with him as he opened up his life to be a blessing to the rest of us.

Indeed, Markus, I thank God for you ... an exceptional young man, Christ-follower, Fellow Malaysian, and in your own special way God's blessing to the world in every sphere you were able to touch during your time with us.

Shalom... Until we meet again.
Lawrence Lim (College Mate) Enter His rest February 13, 2009
Brother, it's bad that I hardly keep in touch with you. I know that you are in His presence now. Will be keeping the rest of your family in prayer...
Yew King Yip (Friend) Once friend, forever friend... February 13, 2009
We've not met each other since standard 4,
i've never received any letter from you since form 3,
you'll still in my heart,
as a good friend of mine,
who will last forever.
The physical world lost a genius,
but the heavan get one.
Once friend, forever friend.
You'll never be forget...
Faliq Fauzi Merenung bintang di ruang angkasa February 13, 2009
(Friend, ex-Classmate)
Got this from Markus Ng's blog

merenung bintang di ruang angkasa
terfikir arah selepas binasa
rumah kini dihantui sepi
teringin sangat kau kembali

bertemu ajal hakikat hidup
setiap cerita ada penutup
jauh di mata, dekat di hati
aku merindumu wahai Lassy

Below is my tribute to Markus: -


merenung bintang jauh di angkasa..
tibanya sudah jauh di angkasa,
kau dan Lassy merenung ke desa,
semangatmu akan tetap dipuja,
kemuliaanmu tak akan ku lupa.

you'll will always be remembered.
Alvin Soo Markus February 13, 2009
(was-to-be student of him in youth fellowship )
Even though I barely knew you before you got a chance to teach and guide us form 4's properly in youth, I knew you were a blessed soul with a kind and compassionate heart. You always made sure the people left out in events felt welcome including me sometimes. Even as you join our Lord, and even if you didn't get to teach us with words, I think your life is already a testimony for the Lord and that alone is a great lesson and encouragement. May all those close to him be comforted by his comfort in life, that is God.
Scott Ong (Friend) Never Gone, Mate February 13, 2009
Your leaving us behind has made me realize He couldn't wait to get you in on His plans. You've done so much in so short a time it amazes me, profoundly. All the lives you've touched, mine was but one. I'm honored to have met you. Godspeed.
Kenny Richard (Friend) Best man I've known February 13, 2009
You are with God now brother. Till we meet again..
Rachel Chan (friend) An inspiring friend and comrade February 13, 2009
I will remember Markus as one of the most promising writers of Ceteris Paribus (HELP), his dedication to student activities - but mostly the coincidences where we bumped into each other in 2007 while he was on study break, and once again for a charity event in 2008. I will also remember him as a partner in crime as a fellow UoL student. Hope you rest in peace, and know that your presence has been truly significant. Whenever I look back at the old copies of our newsletter, I will think of you.
Shaun Ow Yong (ex-schoolmate) Rest in Peace mate..... February 13, 2009
Still remember the time when we were playing table tennis at his front porch where I could't even get a point from him. You will always be remembered as a great mate and a wonderful person. rest in peace mate.
Kevin Hui (Neighbour) Deepest regret and condolences February 13, 2009
Markus was an easygoing and talented individual. I truly regret not getting to know Markus better when he was still with us. May he always be in our memory
Ellen Loi (College mate) Dear Markus February 13, 2009
May you rest in peace, Markus.....
Faliq Fauzi You'll always be remembered February 13, 2009
(Friend, ex-classmate)

Known him since we were in primary school. He was a good friend to everyone. I never heard anyone talking bad things about him and vice versa. I'm glad that i came to SMDU reunion october 2008 n that was the last time i saw him. we had a good conversation about life n politics. we planned to meet up again with eugene, ka vee n some other friends for mamak session but didnt got the chance to do so.. markus is in a better place now.. i can't believe it man.. u r gone too early.. markus is always smiling and a thoughtful person too.. a very good soul. keep it that way bro. You'll always be remembered.
Eechia (friend) :( February 13, 2009
Markus.. Markus.. Markus..
I'm still at a loss for words..

You're dearly missed...
Alvin Wong (friend) U' ll b remembered... February 13, 2009
U r such a great guy but leaving us this soon...unbelievable...:(

May u rest in peace.....

u will be missed....
Alicia Edmund You will be remembered February 13, 2009
(Flatmate in 2005)

I remember you always playing your guitar and singing in your room, such a talent. A talent also in photography - documenting tawney tower madness/randomness. I will remember your passion for Christ as Lord and Saviour but more importantly I will remember your gift in caring and love for people, those close to you and the humanitarian issues globally and that is an amazing gift to have.

You will be remembered Markus


Nick Khaw (Friend) Deepest condolences February 13, 2009
It's a shame that one of the most sincere and most good human beings I know can get his life cut short way before it should be his time.
Alwyn Lau (Friend) Condolences February 13, 2009
My deepest condolences to the family. I am shocked at Markus' passing.
Adam Wright (Friend) Such a loss... you will be greatly missed. February 13, 2009
I met Markus at university at the Model UN. In the breif time I knew him I found him to be of great intelligence, but more importantly a person of great love and kindness. It is a loss to the world that someone so special has died so young. It makes the life that we hold feel even more precious. You will not be forgotten Markus.
Sze Fei Pang (friend) An amazing soul February 13, 2009
Rest in peace Markus. You have done many a good deed in this life and you've touched many people's lives, including mine. You are an inspiration. We will all miss you.
Huey Teng Tay =( February 13, 2009
(Friend, High schoolmate)

Markus was one of the nicest guys I've ever known. Always positive and smiling, don't think I've seen him angry before. Used to help us with our homework too, esp those Amali crap I never did get the hang of. Really miss you and the good times, Markus =( Wish we had hung out more after high school. Nevertheless, will always remember you as the great guy you are. I hope you are well wherever you are now...
Seng Keat Teh (Schoolmate) Deepest Condolences February 13, 2009
My deepest condolences to Markus' family. No words can express your feelings of loss and grief, and I pray that you will find the strength to endure through this difficult time.

I had the honor of knowing Markus through our secondary school's prefectorial body, though I regret not taking the opportunity of knowing him better. Even since these early secondary school days, Markus had always come across to me as a very impressive and dedicated individual, a true servant-leader, who cared about our country and who had positively touched those around him. His later writings and his activist involvement in these past few years only reaffirmed the great potential, passion and compassion he had for our country and our society. His passing is indeed a great loss for our country.

I cannot know of the great suffering that you are going through, Mr. & Mrs. Ng, but I do know of this; that God and Markus' guardian angels truly loved him very much, and that they would never use their power to take him away from you. I pray that Markus is now in a better place, reborn among the heavens, and that in whatever future existences he will be in, that Markus will always be well and happy. May many great merits and meritorious deeds be committed in Markus' name, to honor his memory and the great good he stood for.

As rivers, when full, must flow
And reach and fill the distant main,
So indeed what is given here
Will reach and bless the spirits there.
As water poured on mountain top
Must soon descend and fill the plain,
So indeed what is given here
Will reach and bless the spirits there.
Grace Ng (friend) Resting with God February 13, 2009
Markus was the nicest person ever.
He will be dearly missed by those on Earth, but those in Heaven rejoice for the arrival of his soul.
Michelle Ding (Friend) michelle.dg@gmail.co m February 13, 2009
HOW? I am stunned. At such a great loss. It almost feels unreal. I don't know why but I kept on bumping into Markus at different places all the time during the end part of last year. He was always courteous and ready with a smile. :) And I guess I just took for granted that I will "always be bumping into him". I always thought, "there'd be time, there'd be time". But time is no more. :( And I guess all we can hope to do in our short time here is leave a fragrance, make a difference - and Markus certainly has, in all our lives. It's a sad, sad day, this. :( I can't believe that there'd be no more 'bumping into or meeting each other again'. :(
Lemuel Tan Memories February 13, 2009
(HELP College Ex-CFer)

I was just looking at some old pictures the other day of the HELP CF Christmas celebration in 2004. I glance upon your picture and wondered where you were and what you were doing then. Promised myself that I would try to catch up with you.

5 minutes ago, my friend left me a message, about this...

You have been a great friend to me in my early college days. And that smile you bring has indeed been heart warming. Rest in peace brother and god bless.
Michael Lim You have left A Legacy behind... February 13, 2009
(Old Friend, Church Friend)

Hey old buddy,

No words can truly describe your heart, No picture can paint your personality, But all those who know you, you are in our hearts always...The times you were funny and the times you were just a friend, these times...I truly remember...there are days, you are like a brother and there are days, you truly rise up like a man...and I know..you are just being you...That's who you are, Markus

Now that you are with Papa in Heaven, I know He will take care of you, and you will remembered fondly by all those who have crossed your paths...Till we meet again...Your legacy continues amongst those whom you have touched...
Wykeat rip February 13, 2009
Although we manage to meet a few times,to me it has been a great pleasure to know you, to play footie with u, to listen to your stories and sharing laughter and joy with u. Was a shock to me. May u rest in peace...
Abd Rahman Hamzah Rest In Peace February 13, 2009
(high school friend)

last time i see u in malaysia hall london... after we not see each other from the last time i move from SMKDU... that time u busy conducting some event... we can't chat too long... now, you are go far from me... we can't chat anymore... you are such a nice guy...
Faith Wong (YF Friend) You Will Be Greatly Missed February 13, 2009
Even though we never got close and in the last few years we scarcely kept in touch, when ever "Markus Ng" came to mind I always thought of what an inspirational individual you are. I will look back on the times we spent together serving in YF fondly - and I will also never forget all those sarcastic comments about my height you always very generously dished at me!! ;-)

Your death has come as a great shock to me and I am truly deeply saddened by your passing only because you had your whole life ahead of you and you definitely had so much more to give. Still, the short life that you led was indeed a fruitful one and you have no doubt blessed and enriched many people's lives. You have done well, Markus!!

I'm just so honored to have known you and can only hope that my friendship had impacted you in some small way as yours has.

To the family, I am so very sorry for your loss - I wish I could be there at the funeral to say my goodbyes but rest assured I will be there in spirit and my prayers with you also.

Deepest condolences all the way from NZ,
Jimmy Lee (iBridge Friend) A friend called Markus! February 13, 2009
Dear Markus,

I'm honored to know you during iBridge camp, 4 months ago (127days). Which remind me about how you have been a blessing to many from the video clip of "99 Ballons"!!

During these treasured moments of CaptainBall, iB Meetup,Bukit Gasing Hiking,Mama Mia Movie, Headstart and yam cha session. Your active presence,friendliness,jokes and laughter indeed shown that your life have shine brightly and changing many... which im one of them too...

So my friend, life has been a school of life/passion/dilemma. Lesson have been learned. Much loves and dedication has been put into the study. Life Examination been given and you scored with flying colours, jump first fear later to touch many for his Glory. So now is the graduation time of all the eternity promises in God loving hand. Its not the end but the beginning, you will be remembered till we meet again on the other side of paradise!
George Leong (church member) I just got to know you and you... miss you truly February 13, 2009
I just got to know you and you... miss you truly
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