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Hendrick Polanco My deepest condolences February 14, 2009
My deepest condolences on your loss. May these few words from the Holy Scriptures bring you comfort in your time of grief...

John 11:32-45
32 And so Mary, when she arrived where Jesus was and caught sight of him, fell at his feet, saying to him: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." 33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping and the Jews that came with her weeping, groaned in the spirit and became troubled; 34 and he said: "Where have YOU laid him?" They said to him: “Lord, come and see." 35 Jesus gave way to tears. 36 Therefore the Jews began to say: "See, what affection he used to have for him!" 37 But some of them said: "Was not this [man] that opened the eyes of the blind man able to prevent this one from dying?"

38 Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone was lying against it. 39 Jesus said: "TAKE the stone away." Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: "Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days.” 40 Jesus said to her: "Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: "Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth." 43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: "Laz'a.rus, come on out!” 44 The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: "Loose him and let him go."

45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him;

You can find more information regarding this passage at the following link...
Cheng Boon (friend) condolences February 14, 2009
May you find eternal peace in a better world..

And to the Ng family, my deepest condolences...
Mohd Ikhsan Ahmad (Friend) deepest condolences February 14, 2009

u amazed me with ur determination and everything. Ill never forget u. Rest in peace.

Jonathan Cheah Thank you for being a good friend February 14, 2009
(primary classmate/secondary schoolmate/scout mate/ brother)

You were the new kid in primary school, from Mentakab. You fit in so well and made new friends quickly. You were the friendliest guy everyone knew. I remember the times we played soccer, where you had nimble legs and were able to quickly out run most defenders (but you also had a thin frame, which made you an easy tackle when body contact involved =))

I remember everytime we played football at the Belinda field, with the Ng brothers (you, Peter, and David). Everyone would try to give you a go, coz you were the thinnest among them (David had legs of steel, and Peter was stocky), but you were mostly too quick. I lamented everytime that I couldn't played too well (still couldn't though :))..and you said.."aiya, just play for fun.." and we'd spend some time before unofficial matches practicing our rembat skills thru an empty goalpost.

I still remember my very first camp, a Science camp in standard 5, which I attended. You showed me it was ok to bathe in a communal bathroom, and its ok to wear same underwear for 3 2 days straight haha.

We went to the same secondary school. I remember most of us bullying you as a prefect to let us pass through corridors during recess to eat in class. We'd try to bribe offer you with pisang goreng or sirap ais. I cannot remember whether you actually took, haha.

When you stopped prefecting, and when I became a prefect in form 4 instead, it was the other way round, with me and Navin guarding corridors and you trying to evade us.

I remember we both joined scouts in form 1. But you didn't stayed on because you felt it didn't fit in. And you joined back in form 4, because you just wanted some co-curricular marks and wanted to do something different.

Throughout your life, it was clear you had a clear aim. You chose and put God above over everything. Your passion in CF and your generosity towards others. You were gentle and kind to the young CF-ers who were looking for a role model to follow.

I remember attending church camp with you. I envied the way you led in worship. Simply beautiful, heartfelt. The best part is , you were humble.

I remembered you struggled with you did the UOL program. How you tried to understand sociology and the the maths.

I remember the joy on your face when you managed to get into Essex. That you were goign to do PPE.

When you went to UK, we kept in contact, sparsely. I knew of Projek Kalsom and your involvement in student bodies in your university. wow.

We last met in early December when we had lunch near your working place, PBD. You spoke of how you wanted to apply to join the public service. The excitement of the new Malaysian political landscape. The idea that we as young Malaysians should give our best to our country wherever we might be.

Our last phone call, was about helping to clear the store at UNICEF.

Yesterday, you left us. suddenly.

Thank you for the good memories. The meaningful conversations and the positivity that you left. You had your struggles. But you didn't let them overcome you. You showed us that its ok to rely on God.

I'll miss you.
Athira Adly we'll miss u.. February 14, 2009
(high school friend,scouts friend)

i cant believe it then when i heard the news, n i still cant now..all those things your family & friends have said about u dear markus describes you exactly the way u are. there's so much of you that you have shared & have enlightened others wth. your persona and aura jst lights up whoever's listening to you talk. i have not seen u for the longest time, n awfully regret for missing SMDU's reunion last yr.

we will always pray for you, and u will be missed dearly.
Yinli Chow Time of favor is upon those who mourn February 14, 2009
(mother of his friend)

Dear Mr and Mrs Ng,

My deepest condolence. I know how this feels as I too had lost my son who was only 20 in April 2008.

Markus is a friend to Adrian, my older son and they played football together.

I like to just share that there is a support group available at SIB church where I had found helpful as I journeyed through the dark and lonely path of my own deep grief.

If you wish to know more, I can be contacted at yinli33@gmail.co m

May the Lord be with you and family in these diificult moments.
Mei Lin Puan An inspiration for a victorious walk February 14, 2009
(Acquaintance (PAN , london))

I only knew Markus briefly at Projek Amanat Negara where we talked about the quality of education in rural areas of Malaysia.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak sums my stand then but Markus listened to me voice my fear for personal security in the rural areas with a calm and non judgemental face. But what he said made me realise how selfish and how distrusting of the Lord's care i was being. He made me realise that the people there need teachers and do appreciate them. He reminded me then that it is our responsibility to make a difference.

I admit i've forgotten this moment up till now. And i am again inspired by his leaving words in facebook - words which sing of joy found in God, or hope seen in difficulties, of passion despite pain.

I believe his parting is an inspiration and reminder for many to live lives worthy of our Lord's name.

Friends and family, Dry your tears and know that he is in the arms of a loving God
Lucy Lum friend of mother February 14, 2009
I have not met you, Markus. But from what I have heard your life has been nothing short of inspirational. You renounce materialism to reach out to the many who are different from you, trancending all perceived barriers to give hope to the ones fortunate enough to meet you. In death as in life, your dreams continue to live on in our hearts and one day who knows......
Elaine Ang Blessed are they that mourn February 14, 2009
(Cousin's friend)

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus that he has gone home to his Father
Siew Mei Boon to die is to gain February 14, 2009
(friend- met from ukec)

Dearest Markus,

You were a great figure at UKEC
a small frame man with the biggest heart all can see
we said we will meet again
but now you're a saint
what a regret it was first
but for sure you are having greater happiness

all love,
siew mei
Amir Abdul-rahim Thank you and Goodbye Friend February 14, 2009

Dear Markus,

You were already an established name in the UKEC circle when I arrived in London- and I have been waiting to meet you since day one. The few opportunities that I get to chat with you over the UKEC dealings made me understand, why you were such a respected figure in the student community. Your sincerity and passion, wisdom and intelligence made you the inspirational student leader and definetely a future leader in the making for the country. But the future was not to come for you, the country was robbed of its fine asset. Your legacy will live on forever my friend, not just in the events you pioneered, but also in the hearts and minds of those who have crossed path with you.

Rest well Markus. It was great to know you even for that short period of time. Thank you for your firm believe in the power of student activism to shape the future of Malaysia.

Goodbye, may you rest in eternal peace.

Amir Fareed Rahim
Qian Chen Salt & Light of the Earth February 14, 2009
(HELP, SIB, too many mutual friends to count)

Dear Markus,

My only regret that I have is not telling you just how wonderful I think you are. Although we've only had snippets of conversation here and there, a couple of emails and wall messages tossed around, I could already catch glimpses of what a great character you have.

I was overjoyed at meeting another person who loved Malaysia. A man who fought for her, because he saw all that she could be. A young man who wanted to work for the government. It's a rarity to find a guy like you. Everyone that I know who knows you, even if they just met you for 5 minutes, can tell me that your character shines through. You just can't hide a light that bright.

One of the things that struck me about you was how you desperately longed after the Father. From the conversations we've had, from the songs and the poems you wrote, I know that you have thought long and hard about your faith, and have certainly had more than one wrestling match with God. Whether it included research and many talks to pastors, I'm sure that you put in the legwork to find out more. Just to get that much closer to His heart.

Thank you for blessing me, by using your God-given talents to write songs and poems, which resonate with many people's hearts. Thank you for being a man of integrity, and of cheer. Thank you being an encourager, a person who tried to be righteous and just. Thank you for being passionate in everything that you do, whether it was music, football, theology or postcards. Thank you for being a great friend (quite evident from the tributes), a wonderful brother and a fantastic son to your parents. And last, but not least, thank you for choosing to be the man that God wanted you to be.

While I miss you deeply, I'm reminded that we're only separated by our time here on earth. We're all missing you here, and you're up there having a party! Thinking of you making yourself right at home makes us all a little homesick as well. =) I'm so proud to have known a friend like you. See you on the other side, brother. 'Til we meet again.
Jun Ming Ooi You've certainly left your mark on us February 14, 2009
(Roomy from RBS)

You were a fine young man with the purest of hearts. You had what most of us lacked, but still you just gave and gave.

Most of all, you truly were a man of God. I'm sure even in your death you say: "To God be the glory".

I don't miss you as much as I am excited to see you again, brother.
Kenny Ng (Football friend) Deepest condolences February 14, 2009
I met Markus many years back on the football field. Although we were never close, we played together quite often back in the days. Not only is he an amazing soccer player, he is also a great believer in the Lord. Your absence will be sorely missed, Markus. Words seem inadequate to express the sadness I'm feeling now. To his family, I extend my deepest condolences. May the comfort of God help you during this difficult time. It's been an honor and pleasure knowing you Markus. Hope you're doing well up there. :) Till we meet again..
Wen Home February 14, 2009
(Classmate, Friend, Fellow poet, Sis in Christ)

I woke up this morning to hear that you've gone Home I wondered why you hadn't wait for me You were always a gentleman, ever patient and courteous We were supposed to go for coffee and tea My tears race down faster than Michael Phelps My heart sank like Jack & Rose in Titanic My dear friend has gone Home today But I fret not, 'cause this is not the end You left your mark in all that you have inspired Your light shines on in all our lives You lived a life many can only dream of God must loved us so, to let our paths cross, even just for a little And I smile, my funny poet friend Because you have fought your good fight and finished your race And hey, did anyone tell you that you finished it damn well? After all, you're a marathon runner. So please keep the tea warm for me Because I don't drink coffee And yes, one thing for sure We'll come out stronger, stronger than before.
Tricia Yeoh Markus the Dreamer February 14, 2009
(Friend and former 'boss')

Dear Markus,

It's taking me a while to even summon up the gumption to write on your memorial website. I'm afraid that words may fail what I really mean to convey in my heart of hearts. And some of this should have been said to you before, but who would have known.

You arrived bright and early at the office in June 2007 for a summer internship at the Centre for Public Policy Studies. A skinny creature with a collared shirt, quiet and unassuming. But oh the ambition you espoused as we worked on projects together in charting the future of Malaysia forward. Young and idealistic, you were active in so many projects I couldn't keep track of. Your wisdom and enthusiasm surpassed that of your peers, as you confidently strutted up to the microphone during public forums to provide fresh ideas for the country and community. You always loved people. The poor, the youth, the Orang Asli. Always with a big smile on your face. Full of expression.

And your zest for life. I never thanked you for the postcard you sent when travelling around Europe. Thank You. For this, and for working so diligently with me. For believing in the country and doing something about it. For the good political discussions with the group at my place. Food. Music. Guitars. Religion. Malaysia. Philosophy. Life.

You were very dear to me and I had secret dreams that you would lead the country in some way, some day. Your passion can only bear inspiration to the rest of us now. Rest well.

Grace Hoo Always Remembered February 14, 2009
(Secondary Schoolmate)

I have known Markus since Form1 when we were prefects.Though we only talked about our prefect duties,I can see that he is a very helpful,friendly and humble person.He is very polite and soft-spoken.I can also see the light of God that shines through him.He is a wonderful friend and he has impacted many of our lives in one way or another.

It shocked me when I received the news. However,we have to trust that our Lord has His own better plans in heaven for Markus.My deepest condolences to the family.May you all find strength in this moment of distress.May the divine peace of God that surpasses all understanding be upon each and every family member.God bless you all.
Chew Aung Tan (TGC brother) Cheerful, helpful and sociable brother February 14, 2009
I was indeed shocked to hear of the news yesterday morning.

I remember the last time I met Markus was during an OA outing in Pahang a few years ago. We were together with Colin and some of Colin's church brothers and sisters worshiping with the folks there. During the short span of time we were together, I found Markus to be cheerful, helpful and sociable.

Again, my deepest condolence to Dr. Vincent, Dr. Ang and family.
Christopher Lim We'll meet again February 14, 2009
(Schoolmate, Brother-in-Christ)

I really do lament that I was not able to get to know you better or spend more time with you. That is the limitation of humans.

I said a little prayer for you last night and I know you are safely with Him. You have kept the faith and finished the race. I will see you again one day brother, of that I'm sure.
LiShun Chua In God's Time February 14, 2009
(Classmate, Friend)

The last time Markus and I contacted each other, he asked for information about an NGO I told him about. He thanked me for the contact details and wished me all the best for my upcoming exams. That was a month ago.

There is no way for me to describe what a shock it was to receive that call yesterday morning. I had grown used to seeing Markus online on Gtalk pretty much every time I checked my email, or reading one of this many notes on Facebook, rallying people to volunteer, help out, be proud of our country.

That's how I'll remember Markus...someone who was always there. Little did I know just how fragile "always" can be.

Darn it, Markus! I thought I'd get to see you do great things! Without knowing it, I had attached such hope to you! You were everything we wished we could be, every bit of a person we could only hope to become...and now we'll never know what could have been.

But looking at all the testimonies of your life here, on Facebook, in various blogs, MSN statuses...I guess you've achieved what you were meant to do, you've fulfilled God's purpose for you...and you've earned the ticket to go home to Him.

My condolences go out to the Ng family. I hope you find strength and comfort in the God that Markus so loved and also in the words of many who, like me, were touched and inspired by your son, your brother.

God bless you.
Andrew Khoo (Friend) Fare thee well, my friend, till we meet again February 14, 2009
I met Markus on several occasions, either at church or civil-society related events. In meetings, talks, candlelight vigils. It was always a delight to see him, and to be encouraged by his enthusiasm and idealism.

I particularly remember a talk I had with him last year, walking down from Bangsar Lutheran Church to near Bangsar LRT station prior to giving him a lift, about a thought he had of joining the civil service. We talked about the pros and cons. I gained an insight into his thinking, his priorities. Here was a young man who truly loved God and wanted to serve Him.

Fare thee well, Markus, as you return home to be with God. Until we meet again.

My deepest condolences to Markus's family. I know something of your pain, and can but pray that God will grant you comfort at this time of grief, even as we all struggle to accept and try to understand God's will for Markus.

Andrew Khoo
Jason Loh (Christian Brother) Markus Ng - wonderful brother ... February 14, 2009
Markus, you have gone to be with the Lord! I wish I could spend more time with you ... you have been a blessing to many!
Sowyoong Phang Precious in God's Sight February 14, 2009
(Parents' friend)

Dear Vincent & Kim Teng, We grieve with you over the demise of Markus, your brilliant and passionate son whose legacy will continue to inspire Christian youth of his generation to shine for Jesus. Within his short stint on earth, your son had made his mark as a person who cared deeply about his family, church and country. May you be comforted by the knowledge that God is welcoming Markus in Heaven, saying, "Well done, my young and faithful servant"!

With deepest sympathy,
Lim Poh Ann & Phang Sow Yoong
Sharon Chong Markus February 14, 2009
(Sister in Christ)
With deepest condolences. From Sam & Sharon Chong @ SS2
Cassey Yong Encourager, meek and helpful February 14, 2009
(friends, RBS mate, TGC mate)

Dear Markus,

I was stunned when i heard from my dad in the morning that you slept and went home to be with the Lord.

I felt that i've lost a friend, a comforter and an encourager. A soft yet meek person that i've ever met in my life. So helpful and caring. Never did i realise tht i'm not going to meet you again. Never did i know that january will the be the last time i'll meet you.

If i would only know. i would spend more time with you as a friend, a listening ears to your problems in life.

If i would only know, you wanted to come for a short visit to mentakab and temerloh i would have ask you to come quickly. There is something like i havent done for you as a friend. Feeling a little dishearted about your going away.

But i feel comforted that you are with our heavenly father, I'll never forget you as a friend. You will always be an encouragement in my life. A person that i look up to spiritually. I will keep going for the Lord. Lighting the torch of faith to the rest of the people in christ.

a friend & always a friend

a sister in christ,
Guat Eu Khaw For Auntie Kim Teng, Uncle Vincent, David & Peter February 14, 2009
(friend, youth teacher)

Dear Uncle Vincent,

Thank you for being the steadfast father and follower of Christ that your children looked up to.

Thank you for the love you have shown to others and the simple, practical manner that you do it which your boys have seen and practised in their lives.

Thank you for showing US, as the youth and church, your love for God and His people.

Dear Auntie Kim Teng,
Our paths crossed even as i've married into the family which has been much impacted by your service in Temerloh/Mentakab.

I loved the times i've talked with Markus and have had the privilege to bear together with him the burdens he's had on his shoulders. I believe he's impacted me more than I him.

He truly inherited your diligence and passion for people, and i believe that's one of the best gifts you've given to him. Dear David,
Markus does speak of you, though not often to me, and he loved the times of family togetherness you all shared. Though it hasn't been many in the recent times, but whenever that happened, i think he truly loved and enjoyed it :)

Dear Peter,
You've emulated Markus in many ways and he's always been proud of you - in spite of the fact (which he grudgingly acknowledges!) that you're better than him in certain things! :) When i see you / hear of you, i remember Markus and more so now. Still, you are Peter and you will continue to make him and your family proud.

I don't know if you all would read this anytime soon (with the many messages here and all the things happening right now). But in time, i hope that as you slowly go through all these messages, it would help somewhat.

Thank you for sharing Markus with us.
Li June Tay You inspire me February 14, 2009
(Classmate smdu, friend for life, sister in Christ)

There's a million things I want to say to you, so I hope you'll be reading this from heaven.

I've known you since f1, and we were in CF, then classmates for 3 years in SMDU. We parted ways for a couple of years, but ultimately, we both landed up in England. You always came down to London for student events and campaigns, and I was always inspired by your enthusiasm, ranging from global warming to the raise in tuition fees for UK students, or to hear a Malaysian politician give a speech about politics in Malaysia.

I'm so glad I could share moments of your life with you. Our trip to Kinabalu, I learnt that you were not just any friend, but a friend I could depend on. And our trip to Greenwich, the various times we met up in London just to catch up, it was good having you around. I'm grateful that I spent more time with you over summer this year , and we spoke of our travels, our plans for life. You inspire me with your idealistic goals, your dreams for your future and your faith in Malaysia. I loved your cynicism and sarcasm. We spoke about the superficiality of material wealth, of the satisfaction in volunteer work and making a difference in people's lives. We exchanged stories on our travelling adventures, you said you could live your life travelling the world, and had plans for a backpacking trip in Cambodia and climbing Kilimanjaro in Tanzania one day. We said we'll make good travel buddies. We climbed bukit tabur and watched a partial sunrise and ate banana leaf rice after that and I enjoyed spending time with you.

Markus, you've lived your life to the fullest, and touched many lives in the process with your enthusiasm, and inspired many with your zeal and passion. And I know you will continue to do so.
Goh Hooi Beng (neighbour) Our deepest condolences February 14, 2009
Dear Dr Vincent Ng, Dr Ang and family,

My family and I wish to convey our deepest condolences on the sudden demise of your beloved son, Marcus.

from: Mr & Mrs Goh Hooi Beng and family,
10, Jalan SS20/16, Damansara Utama, PJ
Matthew Foo (Friend) Till We Meet Again... February 14, 2009
Dear Markus,

It was so good to have met you again a few months back.

You were so warm in your greetings, so genuine in your conversation, so humble in your posture, so generous in your compliments and above all else, so loving as a person.

I'm blessed to have met up with you again. I'm so sad that we have no more opportunities to interact again in this side of Heaven.

You are a good man, Markus, more than that, you are a true disciple of Christ. You have fought your good fight, you have finished the race and your Master would have said to you already, "Well done, my good and faithful servant".

Till we meet again.....

To the family of Markus Ng,

May His peace and presence be with you as you grieve for Markus.

Dr. Jameela Zainuddin A Prayer For the Family February 14, 2009
(Mum's friend)

I did not have the pleasure of knowing Marcus but from the tributes I see that Marcus was an all rounder and well liked by those who knew him. Some credit must go to the family for bringing such a wonderful person into this world. My deepest condolences and prayer goes out to his family especially his mum who worked in the Planning & Development Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Stay strong during this difficult time.
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