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Yap Yoke Chin (TGC sister) A priceless gem February 14, 2009
I met you at Colin's wedding. That was the first time I've seen you after you and your family left TGC many years ago. You were still in primary school then. Despite the years, I could still recognize that boyish grin and I could see how proud your mum was of you as she told me what you were doing as you went round the table with a video camera trying to persuade camera shy guests to say a word or two to the newly weds. Little did I know that, that was the last time I'm going to see you. Reading the tributes, sent tears to my eyes. You have done so much at such a young age,touched so many lives with your caring, gentle and wise ways and have such a great vision for the country. We have definitely lost a priceless gem. Only God in his great wisdom and sovereignty know the purpose of it all. May all of us who are touched by his life continue his legacy. To Dr Vincent and Dr Ang, my deepest condolences and thank you for raising up such a brilliant man to grace our paths and fill our lives with meaning.
Serene (friend) goodbye, dear markus..deeply missed February 14, 2009
To Markus's family,

my deepest condolence upon the sudden demise of Markus.

You've raised Markus who has lead an examplary life and a blessing to the others.

I pray that God's comfort will embrace you all in times like these.

Markus, I am glad that we got the opportunity to engage in conversation upon your return from UK. I only regret that we couldn't speak further. You leave me with the reminder that we should never put off things to tomorrow coz' it may never come. It is now or never. Despite of your busy schedule, you still make time for fellowship because you know the importance of it.It's now or never.

REST IN PEACE. Looking forward to see you at the better side of this world.

Deeply missed..
James Quah (once-apprentice) a guy like no other February 14, 2009
Markus Ng.

A man truly like no other. From the time i knew you in sunday school just back in standard 4 until form 4 before i left to Agape, i have seen that you re unlike any other guys i ever met. until this day, i have known no man who can do what you did or live a life like you did. i would say that you have been chosen by our God and began your race so young in life and ended early as well. your life reflected a life of faithfulness to our God consistently since our days in sunday in school. i have always seen you as someone radically different than the rest of us guys in our days at SS yf. i remembered the times when you befriend me when i was lonely and those days when you helped me out when i first i entered the yf committee as a treasurer. rather than to grieve at your departure, i give thanks for your life markus. it is only with such regrets that i didn't get to know you more in your lifetime. even though my time with you was so brief, yet you have left a legacy behind. you have shown yourself not only to love our God but to love what He loves; people and our nation. rather than to give up hope, you chose not to quit when our country is in dire need of people like you who can make a difference. if i were to imagine what you would say to me before you leave, i m guessing you would say this; "Be faithful in whatever that is your hands. God cannot take you further if you cannot be faithful in little things"

never again in my lifetime would i meet a guy like you. rest in peace. see you again someday.
Thomas Chew (school friend) Thank You February 14, 2009
Thank you for being quiet.

We both were. You however managed to slowly edge your way into all kinds of conversations - even the sometimes rowdy ones at the back of the classroom.

Still trying to figure out how you do it but am encouraged every time because you did it.
Last time i checked, you simply approach microphones.

Thank you for being polite.
You've shown me the merits of being gentle, meek, and sarcastic. Its a powerful combination.
(btw, i remember you were the one of the most apologetic guys on the football field. Always said sorry almost after every tackle - sometimes even when it wasn't your fault.)

Thank you for being pious.
Or at least appearing to be (because i know you may probably beg to differ). You got me and many others into CF. That opened up a whole new world.

Thank you for being reliable.
More than someone who would get the job done, you were someone who would be willing to get the job done.
No surprise then that i called you when my house got broken into and i was alone at home.

Thank you for thinking so much.
Made me feel a little less weird. Am proud to see how you've managed to make it useful.
Its an honour to have shared in your sharings. Will always cherish them.

Thank you for thanking the toll-booth attendants.
That simple act speaks volumes every time. You were a great living testimony for Him. Congratulations dear brother-in-Christ.

Thank you for keeping in touch;
-for attending my graduation, and recently inviting me into your new ventures. Only a week ago we attended a huge funeral together.
It's still difficult for me to fathom I'm attending yours now.

To quote one of your songs:
"But God seems to have another plan, something i don't understand..."
Li-Jian Wong (Uni Friend) A legacy and a true friend February 14, 2009
The crowd turnout at his wake proved that Markus has touched more lives in his short time on earth as compared to many of us will ever in our entire lives.
Ken L. (virtual 'friend') RIP February 14, 2009
I'm so humbled with the many lives you touched, the things you did, as well as the cherished memory you left behind. RIP
Yenmun Lee Touched February 14, 2009
(Acquaintance; inter-school prayer network)

So gifted in so many ways;
yet you were humble and boasted of nothing but God's goodness.

So much to do in so little time;
yet you found all the time in the world to show you care.

You were remarkable, Markus. Thank you for giving to the LORD the time that you have on earth, because so many of us have been blessed by your dedication to the cause(s) that you believed in.

You were remarkable. And I am greatly touched.
Hui Pei Sin Deepest Condolences February 14, 2009
(Secondary school mate)

May Markus rest in peace and the loving embrace of God, for all the good he has brought into this world...
Agan Balangalibun Deepest condolences February 14, 2009

I was only in preschool when i knew Markus but all my memories of him as one of the older kids in the neighbourhood are fond ones. He kept and eye out for me back then i think. Truly a nice guy. He will be missed. Deepest condolences to the Ng family.
Wilson Loh (Stranger) A wise son makes a father glad February 14, 2009
Proverbs 10:1 "A wise son makes a father glad."

I was just "introduced" to Markus through a web blog. What caught my eye was this young man's age and a photo of him playing the guitar. It immediately reminds me of my son, born in the same year.

I decided to click the links to Markus' blog, this memorial site and the youtube slide presentation of his life. The photos reveal a good life Markus has lived; one shared and filled with people. As I watch these and thought of what the family wrote of his sudden passing, tears roll. I felt constrained to write eventhough I do not know him.

I may not be able to fully understand how is it to lose a son. I do know how it is to have a son who you love and are made glad by him. These would probably be the memories that I would cherish and in times of loss and sadness, perhaps find some comfort and the strength to go on.

I read somewhere that it says, "The measure of one's life is the love you leave behind when you are gone." From the tributes given here, there's plenty of love for Markus. Well done for a life well lived.

To Markus' parents and family, my heartfelt condolences. May Jehovah-Elohim, the covenant-keeping God, comforts and enfolds each of you with His loving arms. And may He sustain and keep all of you in His grace until the day when you all shall meet again.
Rev. Thomas Yap Memorial Service for Markus at Essex University UK February 14, 2009
(University Chaplain)

Dear Family and Friends of Markus,

You are all in our prayers here at the Chaplaincy of the University. Markus is well-loved by us for his smiles, his songs and the humble way he serves the Lord and fellow humans.

We will miss him very much. In the coming week, we will be having a memorial service for Markus here at the Chaplaincy Centre here at the University of Essex to remember him together.

We will post details of the memorial service at our website:
Rev. Thomas Yap
Anglican Chaplain & Pastoral Counsellor
Alex Wong Chung Heng Condolence February 14, 2009
May Jesus Bless You In Heaven
Samuel Goh Kim Eng DOING YOUR BEST IN LIFE February 14, 2009
(Fellow Christian)

It's not how long but how well you live your life Especially when it's a purpose-driven Christian life You have run the race and fought the good fight in life Making you worthy of being a true salt and light in your earthly life (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 060209
Fri, 6th Feb. 2009
Eleen Ang (YF Friend) You will be missed February 14, 2009
I sit here and stare at the encouragment bookmark that Markus handed to me at my first YF camp. It reads Psalm 23, where he spelt my name wrongly. I smile at his efforts.

I quote his words, "Dear Eileen. Thanks for coming for camp. Hope to see you around in church. Markus."

This comes to show how welcoming he had been although I was still very new to SSGC. The years went by as I grew to learn more about God and His word. In later years, he introduced this buddy system where we would each have a partner to encourage each other every few days to pray and read the Bible. Markus became my buddy. Without fail, he would call me every weekend to help me with readings I didnt understand and pray for me. There were times where he would just call to see how Ive connected with God in that week and times where he would pray for me and with me over the phone. I remember the times when he gave tips on how to learn to play the guitar. Though it has been awhile since Ive seen him or contacted him, every few weeks there would be facebook invitations from him on many meaningful events. Such a fruitful life he lived.

His passion for God really springs on to other people and he has taught me so much about life and the little things that mean so much. Markus has always been so humble about the great works he has done for God and for the people. There are so many things about him that will be missed like the way he pronounces his "s" in the most unique and special manner. The way he has that half-grin-half-smile one his face. The dimple he wears with that smile and the humble leader that he has been. His helpful ways and kindness to everyone will always be remembered.

My deepest condolences to Markus' family.

May you rest in peace, brother.
Justin Alexander Yong (Friend) A Courageous Defender of Values February 14, 2009
I am profoundly saddened to hear of Markus's death.

I wish to offer my most sincere condolences and assure his loved ones of my spiritual closeness at this very sad time.

I recall Markus's courageous battle of the defense of human and Gospel values and I trust that his commitment will bear fruit in peace and genuine progress, human, social and spiritual.
Hock Cheong (Admirer) markus chung yau ng February 14, 2009
Ng's family;

I am from Perth, please allow me to say, I am terribly sorry for the demise of such a fine and enterprising son. I feel the deep sorrow in my heart, being a father myself.

May his soul rest in peace and his life an inspiration to others.
Yun Shyuan Ling Deepest Sympathy February 14, 2009
(SMDU classmate/friend)

I was very saddened when I heard about Markus's passing. I send my heartfelt condolences to the Ng family.

I knew Markus in secondary school. We were classmates once, and also shared responsibilities and fun times as prefects of SMDU. He was a great guy, always there to lend a helping hand and give inspiration to friends. Even though I hardly kept in contact after I left to Canada, his charitable ways, generosity and leadership qualities still found its way to friends all over the world.

Markus, you'll be greatly missed. My prayers and thoughts will always be with you, Markus, and may God give strength to his family in this time of sorrow and difficulty.
Yapsir (A Pastor) Yap (*) PEACE-Psalm 23 February 14, 2009
My prayer go with and to the family members.

May the LORD rest his child in the hand of the one who had lead him.

May the peace,grace,mercy,faithfulness of the LORD be with family members.
Lung Condolences... February 14, 2009
There are no words of comfort I can offer that can ease the pain but my heart goes out to Markus's family & friends.

I just got to know about Markus from Haris Ibrahim's blog but I feel I have known him for years. Tears are shed as I write this.

He is loved.
Weng Chin Oh (Friend) condolences February 14, 2009
I met Markus in the Malaysian Christian Conference in UK over a year ago. I am glad to have met him, he is an impressive young man who spoke well and has a good heart. My condolences to the family and may he rest peacefully in the arms of the Good Lord

Weng Chin
Noel Dass Terrible loss February 14, 2009
(Sort of colleague in the CPPS)

I only met Makus once at the home of a mutual friend and colleague, Tricia and learnt that Markus was a former intern/volunteer at the CPPS.

He struck me as an intelligent, compassionate and sincere idealist. He'd talked about working for Malaysian Civil Service and his hopes to help reform the system from within. Being an idealist myself, I was moved by his sincerity and his determination, despite what we all said about it.

It's a tragic loss to Malaysia to lose one of its best and brightest who had so much potential to help this country. I regret not having known him longer or worked with him when he was at the CPPS. My deepest sympathies and condolences to Markus' family and friends who've lost a dear ol' chap.

May your soul rest in peace and rise in glory!
Azrul Mohd Khalib Rest in peace February 14, 2009
(UN colleague)

I got to know Markus when he was working at UNICEF Malaysia. Being in a different UN office, I did not often have the chance to work with him but nevertheless what little I knew of him personally and professionally was impressive. Dedicated, commited, energetic, passionate are all words I would associate with Markus.

I saw him as a potentially up and coming young person wanting to be the change in the world and not wanting to wait for others to do it. He wanted to be a force for change. Honestly, I don't meet enough people like him.

One thing I can say is that though he will be sorely missed by everyone, our small community of people here at the UN will certainly miss his contribution, energy, thoughts, and spirit in making a difference to those who are in need.

My prayers and thoughts are with Marcus' family in this time of sorrow. Marcus, may you rest in peace and may God bless you and take you into His keeping.
Chung En Leong (Friend) My deepest Condolences February 14, 2009
My deepest condolences to the whole Ng family. Im so shocked this happened, but im really more sorry.. He was an incredible man of God, and someone i looked up to. May you all keep focusing on God, our only constant Hope in this time.. please take care..
Rufus Yap (Friend) Condolences February 14, 2009
My deepest condolences to the Ng family on the loss of their son...

The last time we met was at the local music store. Markus was looking for an affordable and nice acoustic guitar to play, and most probably buy. He even offered to give a little demo of one of his "just composed" jazz songs at the store itself. When I heard him play his song, I'm truly amazed at his talent and his guitar playing has improved by leaps and bounds; from just simple strumming to composing jazz songs...

It is so evident that he really loves music and enjoys playing music. Truly, each and every song is a masterpiece of his talent, and his legacy leaves on in the lyrics of each song...

Markus, your songs as well as the musical person that I've known you are, you really are an inspiration...

You will be truly missed...

(P.S. Markus, jazz up some songs for Jesus in Heaven!)
Ee Chia Chuah (friend) Dearest Markus, February 14, 2009
I should feel comforted, knowing that you're now in a better place...

yet, I can't help but to mourn...

it is painful for me, as it is for many others to see you go so suddenly...

the honour is mine, to have had the privilege to walk this short stretch so far with you...

You had always always been there...

..offering anything and everything that you could do for me....

.. without you... I wouldn't have been where I am today....

You were always so humble, ever so gentle, so kind, so caring, so sweet, so sincere, so helpful...., so courteous.., so witty

.....always after the Father's heart....

You told me that God has blessed you with so so so many things, that it overflowed and you wanted to bless others with all that you have....

And indeed, you had…. to me.... and I know to many others too..

Thank you, Markus....

for the many conversations that we had over lunches and dinners, over the many rides home, over the "No to ISA" candlelight vigils, and especially over gtalk....

..for your comforts and encouragements,
..for your presence and your time,
..for all your help...

..for being a friend, one that go a distance...

..for hoping together for a better Malaysia...

..for everything....

my life will definitely not be the same again...without you...

Markus, you never told me about your songs and I never knew that you were such a good composer and singer....

Wednesday was the first time I heard them, and I'm already a fan....

Last Christmas, you told me, as for Malaysia, let's continue to dream and press on!

Yes, I will continue to dream for Malaysia. Malaysia belongs to all of us, the anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia...

I am proud to have walked this short journey, a mere 127 days with you, a true anak Bangsa Malaysia.

Thank you so so much and your memories will live in my heart, forever...

Here's a toast to a life that has been an inspiration to all,
Markus Ng Chung Yau
Andrea Tan (Friend) Fond Memories of Markus February 14, 2009
Markus was truly a wonderful brother. He was so humble that I did not know about the amount of social work and service he had been doing until just recently. Nevertheless, the little things that he did were already an indication of how great a disciple he was.

Markus was a caring and observant person who believed that society can change for the better and that everyone has some goodness in them. After graduation, he did not seem to be the type who would rely on his family financially. He was somehow thrifty but he would readily give extra money to a blind seller for a packet of tissue paper which a friend needed.

Marcus was caring towards people regardless of race. He would make a mental note of suitable places to spend time with his friends. He was also a loving and appreciative son who would bear in mind good eating places where he could treat his parents.

Many of us do not understand why a great person like him should return to the Lord at such a young age. Markus had the heart and capabilities to do so much more God’s work, more than anyone I know including me. So why should he depart this life so prematurely? This is a question that we do not have to try to answer because Markus, being Markus, would not want us to be too sad over his demise. To all his loved ones, relatives and friends, be comforted. The Lord loves him very much and I believe that God is well-pleased with him. Be comforted that Markus is now in a better place in the company of angels. Let us give thanks for the blessings of having him with us this lifetime. Thank you, O Lord!
Fiona Valerio A Great Loss to our everyone... February 14, 2009
(ex secondary schoolmate)

Marcus was a great person with great dreams and visions. It was a waste that we loss contact for so long but glad that we met up at our SMDU reunion..Markus was suppose to hrlp me plan the next one..and in a way he did..It is so nice to learn of all the great things he has done and is involved in. Thank you Markus for being and inspiration to all. You really have touched our hearts. You are a great loss to people you know and even to those who dont know you...I am glad that i am one of those who had the privilege of knowing you!

I hope and pray that your legacy will carry on...and that we will be able to see the good in helping others through you. May the good Lord give strength to your family in this difficult time and may your soul rest in peace. Till we meet again .....
Alex Ng Wei Siong My deepest condolences February 14, 2009
(Family Friend)

It is with sadness i hear about Markus, a moment of silence and reflection on all his good and positive self........ ....... may our prayers be with him.

The passing of Markus is a sign of him starting a a new path in another place/ world. His evolution on planet earth has completed. We should rejoice for him and send a lot of cheers to him wherever plane he is in.

Hey Markus;Cheers though you are forever missed.
Vin Hong Lim Deepest Condolences February 14, 2009
(meet at ibridge camp)

My deepest condolences to Markus family. though I do not know Markus well, but i know that his passion and smile always lightens one life and his friendliness is always will be remembered druing the camp. May the Lord continue to comfort the family grievances and RIP, Markus. Always be remembered.
Ming Wang Lim (School mate) Another good one February 14, 2009
I didn't know Markus well. Truth be told, I'm not sure he'd remember me if he were still around.

For some reason I cannot fathom, I feel a deep connection to him- he was passionate and active in his beliefs, in the world he lived in, and this showed in his writing. I could very easily have taken the route he'd chosen for himself. It troubles me because He was one of the good ones...and i'm not sure i'll know why. Markus certainly had more Faith. God Bless Markus, his family and his loved ones.
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