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Bryan Lim (Friend) Dear Brother, February 13, 2009
I never really got close to you but I will always cherish the times where you ferried me around when I couldn't drive. Talking about reality and Christianity. You were like a Big Brother.

When I was still learning, you guided me through telling me off if I did things I wasn't supposed to. Though I disliked it then but I knew it was for my own good.

The most prominent memory of you was when we were at the F2BU camp and you whipped out your guitar and started playing your compositions. It really wow-ed me.

Your amazing skills in music especially Jazz will be deeply missed by all of us my dear brother. Even though you are physically gone, we all know that you still watching over us.

Take care Markus, I'll try not be naughty no more!
Wai Yee (Friend) Go Down, Death February 13, 2009
My deepest condolences to those whose lives have been touched by Markus. Our hearts bind in loving memory of our lost dear friend, brother, son. We, who have basked in your love, optimism and semangat, will carry on living in your spirit. Rest in Peace, Markus.

Dear friends, may you find solace in the words below, written by James Weldon Johnson, as is for Markus, who "is not dead, he has just gone home":

Weep not, weep not,
She is not dead;
She's resting in the bosom of Jesus.
Heart-broken husband--weep no more;
Grief-stricken son--weep no more;
Left-lonesome daughter --weep no more;
She only just gone home.

Day before yesterday morning,
God was looking down from his great, high heaven,
Looking down on all his children,
And his eye fell of Sister Caroline,
Tossing on her bed of pain.
And God's big heart was touched with pity,
With the everlasting pity.

And God sat back on his throne,
And he commanded that tall, bright angel standing at his right hand:
Call me Death!
And that tall, bright angel cried in a voice
That broke like a clap of thunder:
Call Death!--Call Death!
And the echo sounded down the streets of heaven
Till it reached away back to that shadowy place,
Where Death waits with his pale, white horses.
And Death heard the summons,
And he leaped on his fastest horse,
Pale as a sheet in the moonlight.
Up the golden street Death galloped,
And the hooves of his horses struck fire from the gold,
But they didn't make no sound.
Up Death rode to the Great White Throne,
And waited for God's command.

And God said: Go down, Death, go down,
Go down to Savannah, Georgia,
Down in Yamacraw,
And find Sister Caroline.
She's borne the burden and heat of the day,
She's labored long in my vineyard,
And she's tired--
She's weary--
Do down, Death, and bring her to me.

And Death didn't say a word,
But he loosed the reins on his pale, white horse,
And he clamped the spurs to his bloodless sides,
And out and down he rode,
Through heaven's pearly gates,
Past suns and moons and stars;
on Death rode,
Leaving the lightning's flash behind;
Straight down he came.

While we were watching round her bed,
She turned her eyes and looked away,
She saw what we couldn't see;
She saw Old Death.She saw Old Death
Coming like a falling star.
But Death didn't frighten Sister Caroline;
He looked to her like a welcome friend.
And she whispered to us: I'm going home,
And she smiled and closed her eyes.

And Death took her up like a baby,
And she lay in his icy arms,
But she didn't feel no chill.
And death began to ride again--
Up beyond the evening star,
Into the glittering light of glory,
On to the Great White Throne.
And there he laid Sister Caroline
On the loving breast of Jesus.

And Jesus took his own hand and wiped away her tears,
And he smoothed the furrows from her face,
And the angels sang a little song,
And Jesus rocked her in his arms,
And kept a-saying: Take your rest,
Take your rest.

Weep not--weep not,
She is not dead;
She's resting in the bosom of Jesus.

James Weldon Johnson
Nizar Nazrin (friend) i saw this from ur blog February 13, 2009
merenung bintang di ruang angkasa
terfikir arah selepas binasa
rumah kini dihantui sepi
teringin sangat kau kembali

bertemu ajal hakikat hidup
setiap cerita ada penutup
jauh di mata, dekat di hati
aku merindumu wahai Lassy

i found this from ur blog...perhaps i shud change Lassy to Markus
Amanda Sabri Condolences and apologies. February 13, 2009
(Friend & Comrade)

Dear Markus.

You will be missed by many. May God look after you with love and care as you have spread onto others. My apologies and regret for not spending more time with you. It has been an honour knowing you.

Amanda Sabri
Christopher Koh Godly-driven February 13, 2009
(RBS Batch Mate)

I regret deeply that I couldn't catch up with you during the RBS reunion.
We only manage to trade a few words.
You're the rare few whose sincerity shone around you.
Since RBS days, I've always been encouraged by your Godly-driven perspective in life.
Indeed, you have made an impact in the lives around you.
In moments like this, it's really hard to comprehend what the hand of God is doing.
Yet, He has a greater plan beyond us.
Until we meet again, my friend, I will miss you dearly.
Nizar Nazrin we'll miss u dear fren.. February 13, 2009
(ex-classmate in form 2 cempaka and form 4 keledang )

A friend that never been prejudice to any race, a friend who were always there to help a friend in need,a friend who were always make you feel good...we will miss u my dear friend...
Yu-Shen Saw (friend) an inspiration to us all February 13, 2009
To the most humble & most caring guy i've ever met:

Your life has been an inspiration to me and to many others. Back in the days when we used to serve together in cf, i've always looked up to you as a role model and as the guy whose footsteps i would love to follow in. Though you leave us so suddenly, the impact that you have made in my life and in the lives of others will surely last a life time. I am trully blessed to have known you and to have learnt so very much from you. See you soon brother...
Lynette Leong (Friend) Gone too soon February 13, 2009

You've been a great person, dedicated to making the world a better place and I can't comrpehend that this has happened, you're in a better place now and you'll be deeply missed by all whose lives you've touched. Rest in peace
Robin Kok Sadly missed February 13, 2009
(Friend & soccer fan)

There's not much to say as those who knew him would have known we just lost one of the nicest person on earth. Am just regretful that we did not have a chance to meet or even play soccer one last time before you left. I thank you for everything that you've taught me over the years i've known you. May you rest in peace and you'll always be remembered.
Joan-Lynn Chong Nothing but good February 13, 2009
(Phases, Blog)

Markus, you're a great great guy. Like, really really great guy! And reading this online memorial, I realized everyone had the same to say about you! You were like this awesome nicest guy we all ever met! And I know it's not because it's a memorial blog that we're all saying nice things, but I know they're true because I can relate to what everyone else is saying - about how great you were and what wonderful moments we all had when we were with you!

It's still hard to cope emotionally, cos it all happened so fast! But I'll learn to realign my grievances to thoughts of relief as you're now with our Father, and I'm happy for you that you passed as a nice guy, a guy who achieved so much, a guy who left his mark on Earth. Everything happens for a reason, and for you, I'm sure there are only good reasons.
Andrew Loh (Friend) So Long February 13, 2009
Jessica Koh no stranger, only friends February 13, 2009
(futsal & JOC friend)

Thank you markus, for being my friend first.
For reaching out and saying hello.. (even in the midst of flying futsal balls). Your smile and friendship will i treasure always. See you in heaven again.. i now know, that i have a friend in the cloud of witnesses in life's race.
Joseph Loh (Friend) Bittersweet February 13, 2009
In the short time i've known you, you've been pleasant, kind, passionate, determined and full of zest for life and in short a good friend.

Just two days ago i remember us bickering over certain issues in my life, which came to a stalemate and now... I felt like i've lost a buddy to run the race with.

At times i ask God why? But i know that you've gone of to a better place.

In life you've inspired me to drop my shackles and even when you have passed on, you still inspire.

May you rest in His arms, till we meet again bro.

The lives you've touched and continue to touch will always hold you in loving memory.
Siew Shan Lyn Dearest Markus February 13, 2009
(Primary school mate)

Life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark..

Tho we have only briefly met, you will always be remembered & treasured.
Gareth Yong An awesome person inside and out February 13, 2009
(High School Classmate)

I knew Markus for a long time. Markus is an amazing individual. He is a great soccer player, musician and friend. He is always there to give a helping hand to anyone. He is the kindest person you can ever meet. A great believer in the Lord. You will be dearly missed, Markus. I pray that God will bring peace to your family, relatives and friends. Rest in peace, old friend.

Ruzanna Haji Buntar (Friend) Dear Markus February 13, 2009
I cannot believe you left. The good people always go first. Honestly I was just thinking of you. I can finally take leave from work and I was thinking of travelling across Malaysia and having you as a guide since I've known you as the Malaysian guy who cares and knows about his country. And you owe me a visit to Brunei! Oh my God I still can't believe you're gone...words can't even express. I'm glad to have known you even for only four years. Rest in peace markus. You will be dearly missed.
Chen Chow Yeoh Condolences February 13, 2009
(Friend in various activities)

Markus struck to me as a very sincere friend. Knew him initially online at ReCom.org and over the past few years, have had the opportunities to work with him in several activities and met him in various events. He is always cheerful and fun to hang out with.

His desire to contribute to country and community is definitely something very laudable. His desire to join civil service and serve the nation, his dedication to serve the community through his involvement with UKEC, CPPS, UNICEF and many other platforms show his selfless personality.

Am very saddened by his passing, especially at such a young age. He is definitely someone that still has a lot of potential to give back to community.

Deepest condolences to Markus's family.
Khang Fei Ng (RBS friend) Markus February 13, 2009
Stunned. But I know he will go a place far better.

My RBS 2003 friend, Rest in Peace. Although I wasnt close to you but I knew you a very trustworthy and loyal friend. I remember the night during RBS where we sneak onto the roof top to look at the stars.

Thank you. Thank you Markus.
Celine Chew (Friend) Short but sweet February 13, 2009
Markus, in the short time that I've known you, you've shown me how to be sincere in the midst of a crowd and just to be who you are. You presence will be surely missed in our future meetups; captain ball and headstart. May your soul rest in peace till we meet again.
Derek Sim Mr. Nice Guy. February 13, 2009
(Highschool Classmate, Football kakis)
Markus is someone who inspires, a good listener, an awesome footballer, intelligent, and was always there to lend a helping hand. A great lost to his family, friends and people who knows him.
Rest in peace.
Elsie Cherian Have not met you, Markus but I grieve anyway.. February 13, 2009
(Sister in Christ)

I have not met Markus but reading about him makes me wish I had. It's as if I've missed something. But I'm assured I will meet him one day. I look forward to that.

May God comfort his family. It's as if he has accomplished more in his young life than most people who live the full term do.

Adieu dear brother in Christ

Teck Wai Saw (A friend) A great footballer and friend... February 13, 2009
You're one of the nicest person I've ever met during my teenage days. You've inspired me to become a better footballer and a better person. May you rest in peace...
Gene Lim Shoun-Jo World's Blessing February 13, 2009
(Good Friend)

Ive known Markus since the age of 13. He was a person with so much strenght,love and positive energy around him that the world actually seems to be a better place by just being around him.

There is so much to say about him and so much good memories of him that i dont know where to start but i know how it would end. Final words are and always will be that he is a blessing to the people around him. I will not forget you markus the great footballer, awsum musician, passionate philosopher, learning speaking chinese student and a great sincere friend. We will all see you soon. Keep the house warm up there in heaven mate. Spare a seat for me and kok ken. Will miss you.

Grateful Friend,
Gene Lim
Kok Ken Pan Your Page February 13, 2009
(Old school/classmate)

If my life was a book, you'd fill a page in there.

And at the end of my life i'd flip back to the page where i first met you.

Youve been a great friend and made a mark in my history, you will be remembered.

Yong Wei Chong (Friend) From a friend February 13, 2009
I met Markus no more than 5 or 6 times, I think. But in the few conversations that we shared, he had always struck me as a warm, humble and genuinely nice person. I am sorry that I lost the chance to know him better, and that I have nothing to offer but lyrics from a song that I hope will hold true for him:

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
Neena Sufian A Great Loss February 13, 2009
(University Mate )

Losing you is difficult to grasp. You've affected so many people, in your own, sweet, gentle way. We have all truly been blessed to have had the honour of crossing paths with you at some point in our lives.

You will be dearly missed, Markus. It won't be the same without you. Rest in peace, buddy. Neens loves you.
Kevin Tan Footballer, Inspiration and Friend February 13, 2009

I just got to know Markus late last year. There was something burning string inside of him and it was always good to converse with him. Then he started playing futsal on Mondays with us. He is a great player. I loved having him on my side. As much as he was passionate for God, he was also passionate for life. Thank you, God, for giving me the honour to know him. I will remember him for the short time I knew him. It's been an honour, Markus. We will exchange stories when we meet again.
Jonathan Tan Thank you. Will meet again one day February 13, 2009
(Brother in Christ )

Markus Ng was one of those guys who could've and would've changed the world.

In fact, I think he already did in his own way.

Your passing will be felt, and I'll miss yet another fellow bassist.

Rest well bro, and say hi to Jesus for the rest of us :)
Phee Tat Yeoh Blessings February 13, 2009
(University mate )

Markus stood for compassion and all that was right. Im lucky to have crossed paths with him.

His passion for healing Malaysia and the world will be carried on....his efforts are not wasted...

rest in peace markus....
Rashdan Harith God Bless February 13, 2009

(Colleagues in UKEC)

Markus we were never super close, but i remember everytime we met you ha dnothing but a msile and good energy. ur grace and jy spread to everyone, ur dedication to your work and your warmth enveloped us all.

God Bless you Markus Ng.

You will be missed. God loves you.

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